Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rockingham County Sheriff

Sheriff Candidate Comparison

Republican Incumbent: Sam Page

Sam Page is a conservative member of law enforcement. He supports the U.S. and N.C Constitutions, which includes the Second Amendment. Sam has a fiscally conservative record working with the county manager and county commissioners to maintain public safety at a conservative cost. He understands the connection between a safe community and business recruitment. Sam is a champion of safe and productive schools: three full-time resource officers: G.R.E.A.T. , anti-gang awareness; "Eddie Eagle", gun safety awareness; all proceeds from Sheriff's annual calendar goes to Junior R.O.T.C. and athletics.

Sheriff Page has initiated community policing and crime prevention programs: Community Watch, Church Watch and Crime Stoppers.

Sam has overseen the sheriff's office for fair and equal employment where he has protected and served Rockingham County with experience and proven leadership since 1998.

Democratic Candidate: Bryan Wallace

Bryan does not have a website available

Bryan has retired from law enforcement and is currently working as an investigator for the DA’s Office. Bryan Wallace a Democrat running for Sheriff in Rockingham County.

His slogan is “Citizens for change in law enforcement for Rockingham County”. Is this a change like the “CHANGE” that Obama is bringing to the American People?
Bryan needs to be more explicit about exactly what changes he is proposing to bring.

* There is an effort by the unions trying to gain control of the public sector employees. Unions have bankrupted American Businesses driven production out of the United States of American by their non-competitive wage and benefit demands. Now with union membership in the private sector at the lowest point the unions are targeting the public sector (government employees) to coerce monies from the taxpayers.

* Enforcement of law – The Democrats are suppressing the enforcement of law for illegal aliens and suing Arizona for trying to enforce U.S. immigration laws. The feds are preventing states from enforcing immigration law while saying the federal government does not have the resources to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country and working. Is this the bogus stand Bryan Wallace will take in enforcing the laws of the country, state and county?

* The current Democrat administration does not support the U.S Constitution and takes special aim at nullifying the Second Amendment on the right to keep and bear arms. Where does Bryan stand on his support of the administration in nullifying the second amendment and other sections of the constitution and depriving the citizens of Rockingham County of their constitutional rights?

Bryan we need to know about these issues and where you stand?

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