Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Party Comparisons

www.sp-usa.org/. Socialist Party USA

www.cpusa.org/. Communist Party USA

www.democrats.org. National Democrat Party

www.ncdp.org/. NC State Democrat Party

www.gop.com/. National Republican Party

www.ncgop.org/. NC State Republican Party

Simple comparisons of the issues between:
Democrat and Republican Parties.


Ten Steps for Implementation of socialism in America

These TEN STEPS are taken from KARL MARX’s “Communist Manifesto”

1) Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

Consider: Through property taxes we have been made serfs on our own land. Through tyrannical zoning laws, wetlands regulations, EPA regulations, etc., we no longer control our lands. Our once strong private property rights have been abolished through regulatory oppression, bureaucratic tyranny and unbiblical types of taxation.

2) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

The higher your income, the higher the tax bracket you are placed in for purposes of calculating your tax bill. The Bible Teaches us the principle of the Flat Tax when it requires that everyone is to pay a Tithe (1/10) of their produce to the Lord. God did not say that the poor only pay 5% and the wealthy are to pay 25%. God said everyone rich or poor, pays the same percentage. Why do socialists pretend to want to tax the wealthy more? This promotes class envy and class warfare.

3) Abolition of all right of inheritance.

The inheritance taxes are astronomically high. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:22 that "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." This process destroys the family because strong families do not need socialism or government give away programs. Socialists want to destroy strong families and their ability to influence their progeny by stealing half of their net worth through the imposition of confiscatory inheritance tax rates.

4) Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels.

You have heard about "FORFEITURE LAWS." Many branches of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and regulatory agencies are confiscating property, goods and money without a trial, without due process, etc. This is a perfect tool for the tyrant bureaucrat who wants to take possessions of another. If one is not "Politically Correct" socialists will use these laws to harass and confiscate property.

5) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

This is called the Federal Reserve Bank. This is the most destruction of the 10 Planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. The counterfeit paper debt based monetary scheme that we now suffer is going to destroy our Republic, our freedom and our economy. The Federal Reserve System is an exclusive monopoly. The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the Federal Government and it does not have any reserves of Gold or Silver coin backing their "Federal Reserve Notes." Federal Reserve Notes are fiat money. The Federal Reserve controls our economy through it's monopolistic control of interest rates. We have a 20 Trillion Dollar Debt pyramid in this nation and one day it is all going to come crashing down. When it does crash, the bankers who gave us nothing more than paper money will repossess and confiscate nearly every home, business, farm, vehicle and all property in America that has a mortgage or outstanding balance on it. On that day individuals will become total slaves to the governmental bureaucratic oligarchy.

6) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to exercise complete control over the media via the FCC and monopolistic media mogul billionaires. At this time they control 90 to 95% of the media that the masses turn to for information. But the free press has proved more resilient than our enemies planned but they will persist in their ambition to control the media. As for their efforts to centralize transportation, socialists are very anxious to force us all to use state run mass transit trains, subways and car pooling schemes. We can see how the enemies of liberty have very nearly achieved their goal of fully implementing the sixth plank of the communist manifesto.

7) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the
bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Socialists have worked very hard to force central planning on farmers. They have been very successful through the use farm subsidies and regulations at destroying the small independent family owned farm. Today our farms and food supply are controlled by huge corporations and this is called "agri-business." Socialists are working very hard to force central planning on the manufacturing sector. By imposing millions of regulations on every minute aspect of business, they have either driven the small independent factories out of business or forced them to sell out to one of the large multi-national mega-corporations. Only the large corporations have the capability, the man-power to research and obey all of the millions of federal regulations.

8) Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

American Communists, Socialists and Liberals have worked very hard to pass federal legislation to implement the goals of this Plank of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. So called "industrial armies" in modern parlance are known as Unions. The collection by "force" of Union Dues, from the employees who are subject to Forced Unionism, has been devastating to the political process in America. Every Union without exception supports left wing candidates with both money and man-power. As to the concept of equal pay for all workers regardless of skill or productivity, this plank of the communist manifesto has been implemented both in Union shops and via the minimum wage. But the minimum wage law violates the rights of private parties to contract without interference and is another example of the numerous ways that liberals have worked to implement Marxism in our nation.

9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.

This is Social Engineering. This, for example, is telling people where to live and telling farmers and businessmen by dint of government regulations and central planning how to run their business! Yes we have plenty of Social Engineering in America. Yes our nation has been severely damaged by leftists who have been very successful at implementing to a greater or lesser degree all ten planks of the Communist Manifesto, but it is not yet absolute or irreversible.

10) Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form and the combining of education with industrial production.

Our government run, Public School and Public University system costs three to four times more than it should and yet they do a poor job of educating the children. Now the Federal government is trying to take over public education in America. The Fed's are proposing through their Goals 2000 program, another program that is right out of the communist manifesto. It is called the "Schools to work program." The government schools are actively promoting and indoctrinating our children in the ideas of Marxism, big government, central planning, government run education, fiat currency or paper money, environmental extremism, forced unionism, evolution, feminism, homosexuality and socialism in general. May God Help Us to defeat our enemies peacefully now rather than by violence or war later.

Here is the total:

1. This goal has been fully implemented.
2. This goal has been fully implemented.
3. This goal is only partially implemented.
4. This goal has been fully implemented.
5. This goal has been fully implemented.
6. This goal is only partially implemented.
7. This goal is only partially implemented.
8. This goal is only partially implemented.
9. This goal is only partially implemented.
10. This goal has been fully implemented.

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