Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Congressional Candidates

Thirteenth Congressional Seat

Democratic Incumbent: Brad Miller

Brad Miller the incumbent is running for a fifth term in the NC 13th District as a representative for California. Mr. Miller has the distinction of being elected by the people of North Carolina to represent the political machine of Nancy Pelosi and the the people of California. He votes 99% of the time with Pelosi and receives over 70% of his funds from out outside the state of North Carolina, with a large portion coming from Pelosi's district. This is why he does not represent the people of North Carolina but the people of California.

(NON)Representative Miller coming to Rockingham County during a recess refused to hold town hall meetings with the people because he was afraid of riots and protests against his votes on the Socialized National Health Care legislation. Mr. Miller representing the people of California voted for the socialized health care bill claiming he had read the bill but now we see the items that he claimed were not in the bill are in the bill. Miller like Pelosi passed the bill so as Pelosi stated "we need to pass the bill so we can find out what is in the bill"

Miller if reelected is ready to support an amnesty bill to give benefits to illegal aliens. Miller does not care that the USA is on the verge of bankruptcy with a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit that we are now financing by printing money. This means of financing is devaluing the dollar, which is a additional hidden tax on us and our children. Miller is refusing to a public debate with Randall where the public can compare the candidates for themselves

Republican Candidate: Bill Randall

Bill Randall the candidate is running for the NC 13th District and promises to represent all the people of the 13th Congressional District. Randall is asking for your support and vote to overcome the monies donated from peoples and groups outside our district and state. Randall will vote to limit the national governments spending and reduce the size of the U.S. Government.

Randall has committed to only support legislation that is Constitution, Affordable, Necessary, and Ethical and to represent the people of the North Carolina and the 13th district.

Double click on the chart below to enlarge

Fifth Congressional District

Republican Incumbent: Virginia Fox

Virginia is a conservative running for a fifth term in the NC. She is a conservative that supports the U.S. Constitution and works to pass legislation that is consistent with the Constitution and is legal and affordable. The Constitution gives responsibilities to the Federal Government the remainder belong to the States. Socialized National Health Care legislation is not part of the central governments responsibility.

Democrat Candidate: Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy is the candidate running for the NC 5th District and promises to give out more government money for welfare (two years of unemployment) because jobs are continuing to be sent out of the country. Billy is a tax and spend candidate ready to tax and deficit spend to provide Socialized National Health Care legislation. A bill that few read before they voted on it like Pelosi who passed the bill so as she stated "we can find out what is in the bill"

Kennedy if elected is ready to spend, he does not care that the USA is on the verge of bankruptcy with a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit that we are now financing by printing money. This means of financing is devaluing the dollar, which is a additional hidden tax on us and our children.

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