Monday, August 16, 2010

Rockingham County Commissioners

Rockingham County Commissioners candidate comparison

Democratic Incumbent: Bobby Stanley

no website available for Bobby Stanley

Bobby is a tax and spend representative who is running for his second 4 year term to fill one of the two open seats for County Commissioner. He is faithful to his commitments as he has followed through with his promise to support the Rockingham County Horse Park independent of the probability that the park will loose money and be a drain on the taxpayers of the county.

Bobby does not support individual property rights as he votes for annexations against the will of the majority of residents in the area being annexed.

Bobby is the chairman of the committee for the new Western Rockingham County Library where they are considering a very expensive building to house the new library.

Bobby supported and voted for a costly animal shelter which will be build and maintained at the expense of the Rockingham County Taxpayer.

Democratic Candidate: Guerrant Tredway

Guerrant is a running for one of the two open seats on the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners. He is a conservative Democrat who supports reducing the size of government and limiting government spending.

Republican Candidate: Keith (ZERO) Mabe

Keith commits to reducing the size of county government and reducing county spending. He will support property rights of the individuals by voting against forced annexations or forced ETJ expansions in the county. Keith opposes the spending of taxpayer funds to build and maintain a horse park in the county but will support private enterprise building and maintaining the Horse Park. Keith's nick name is "ZERO" and he supports: zero property tax increases, zero property value increases, zero sales tax increases, zero cuts in education funding, zero cuts in public safety and emergency services.

Republican Candidate: Craig Travis

Craig is committed to reducing the size of county government and reducing county spending. He will support property rights of the individuals by voting against forced annexations or forced ETJ expansions in the county. Craig opposes the spending of taxpayer funds to build and maintain a horse park in the county but supports private funding to build and maintain the Horse Park. Craig will fight for jobs in Rockingham, no tax increases and will promote Rockingham County first. Craig is concerned and understands the problems and frustration the citizens of Rockingham County are having with county government.

Click HERE to see video of Craig's position on the issues


Anonymous said...

Craig is the man for the job, When you talk to him, you can tell he is concerned and understands the problems and frustration the citizens of this county are having with county govt. Oh by the way craigs website is

Anonymous said...

As for Mr. Treadway, im still trying to figure out if he is a Democrat or republican because hes running as a democrat but his speech is a republican. So my big question is how is he really going to vote on the issues. Thats the problem with him, in past commissioners have ran as a democrat and talked like a republican but when they got in office they voted as a democrat. So i pray that the people see thru the bs and dont vote for Mr Treadway because he doesnt know who he is. We cant afford to take that chance

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tredway supports education, jobs, fair taxation and spending priorities but he does not provide information on how he is going to do this.

Does not everyone support these goals? How does Mr. Tredway plan to accomplish these goals, is it by reducing the size of government, reducing taxes or increasing gov't size and taxes? These are the same published goals the current tax and spend members of the commissioners have as their goals.

Mr. Tredway needs to put more information on the details about his plans on his website .