Monday, August 16, 2010

NC House Candidates

NC House District 65

Democrat Incumbent: Nelson Cole

no website available for Cole

Nelson Cole the incumbent is running for his ninth term in the NC house. Nelson is a tax and spend representative who has helped plunder the NC Highway Trust of $1.2 billion to spend on special interests around the state. With no money available to pay for highways and bridges Nelson has proposed to his constituents that a way to pay for needed highways and maintenance is to have a Vehicle Mileage Tax this on top of an increase on the gasoline tax, which is one of the highest in the nation.

Nelson does not trust the schools and school boards to provide good education to the public school students, so he voted for the Healthy Youth Act, a law that promotes teaching promiscuity to public school students.

Nelson supports illegal aliens, special rights for Homosexuals, increasing taxes, increasing government size, increasing government spending, limits to education and wasteful government projects.

Nelson was an architect of the current gerrymandered voting districts in the state and wants to be returned to office so he can do another dubious alignment so that candidates can choose their voters instead of the voters choosing their elected representatives.

Double click on the charts below to enlarge and compare COLE vs JONES

Unaffiliated Candidate: Bert Jones

Bert Jones an Independent candidate is running for the NC House seat 65 Bert commits to limit government spending and reducing the size of state government. Bert promises to represent all the people of the NC House Seat 65 District. Bert is asking for your support and vote to overcome the incumbent career politician.

Bert's opponent is flush with donations from unions seeking to extort the tax payer by unionizing government employees. The unions are willing to spend and do anything to buy this office.

NC House District 91

Republican Incumbent: Bryan Holloway

Bryan is an the incumbent and is running for a third term in the NC house. He is a conservative, a minority position in the state and he continues to face many problems that our current leadership will not address. However, even though he voices his opposition to liberal tax and spend policies that the majority of legislators endorse, he has been able to work with many colleagues from all corners of the state to pass important legislation.

Bryan remains steadfast in keeping to my conservative principles, and he is not ashamed of them. He will continue to vote against all tax increases, and work to create an environment that promotes job growth in the 91st District and the state of North Carolina. He is committed to improving our education system, providing for infrastructure needs, and affordable healthcare.

Bryan is pro-life in his views and has received the Right to Life Cole endorsement and a 100% rating from the NFIB for his support of small business in NC.

Democrat Candidate: Ed Gambil

Ed is a candidate for the North Carolina House of Representatives, 91st district. His goal is to represent the needs of the families and business that make the 91st district home.

Ed supports increasing taxes and increasing spending to boost the support for families in the district. Because our local news papers do virtually nothing to inform the voters, I will bring information to the voters on my web site, that will reveal the quality of representation I plan to provide. Some Believe that the truth is negative; but if it is the TRUTH it can only serve to inform. In every case I will provide supporting documentation to show my view of the facts and truths of the issues being discussed.

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